Fresh Produce Discussion Blog

Created by The Packer's National Editor Tom Karst

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Can they make it?

This is The Packer deadline day - it's moved up a day because of the United show - so there is not enough of me to go around.

I had another all too real example of my shortcomings last night. My wife and I hired a tutor for our high schooler, who has been struggling with Algebra of late. No matter how long I gazed into my daughter's Algebra textbook, I had no answers for her. A concession to my limitations, the tutor was very helpful in her first session last night and was a good investment.

As far as blog updates, I have no one else to turn to. I'll pick up the pace later in the day.

Some issues to consider:

1. Nuances on PBH policy on partnerships
2. More avocado talk
3. Indian mangoes - can they make it? They have to overcome the stigma of irradiation and an 18 day or more boat ride. Yet, the deal offers interesting varieties and new passion. Here is a link to a New York Times story on Indian mangoes.
4. Food safety - will the news cycle ever end?

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