Throw in immigration for good measure

It seems industry priorities take multiple years and numerous WPPC conferences to see any movement on Capitol Hill. Now it seems one industry priority after another is falling in sequence.
More equitable funding for f/v in the farm bill (check)
A resolution to the country of origin labeling issue(check)
I just visited with Tom Stenzel of United Fresh about the process to come up with a COOL resolution. (more on that later) I asked, why not throw immigration into the farm bill for good measure? I kidded him that United and the industry are running out of issues and suggested Congress may as well tack farm labor reform to the farm bill. In fact, he said there is serious consideration in the Senate to attach AgJobs to the farm bill. Well, we know food safety isn't going away, at least.
More equitable funding for f/v in the farm bill (check)
A resolution to the country of origin labeling issue(check)
I just visited with Tom Stenzel of United Fresh about the process to come up with a COOL resolution. (more on that later) I asked, why not throw immigration into the farm bill for good measure? I kidded him that United and the industry are running out of issues and suggested Congress may as well tack farm labor reform to the farm bill. In fact, he said there is serious consideration in the Senate to attach AgJobs to the farm bill. Well, we know food safety isn't going away, at least.
Labels: AgJobs, Collin Peterson, COOL, Dennis Cardoza, Farm Bill, FDA, immigration, Tom Stenzel
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