Fresh Produce Discussion Blog

Created by The Packer's National Editor Tom Karst

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

A question from Richard

TK: While the Fresh Produce Industry Discussion Group has quite active the consumer oriented group has been very quiet so far. I haven't really promoted it. I did have a new member of the consumer group ask a question, though, and I would like to pass it on. I posted it below. Does anyone have any advice or resource for Richard's idea? Sounds like a greenhouse venture is something he is considering. I'll pass on whatever ideas you have or you can join the group as well and provide him direct feedback.

First of all, thanks for creating this group. I know that all of you are wise in the ways of produce. After having lived in some fairly good sized cities, San Diego and Denver most recently, and having decent if not good produce at most stores and farmer's markets, I find myself in North Central Wyoming. The produce in the area, about 100 miles in any direction, is sub par at best. The tomatoes are soft and ready to be thrown out, even when they first get to the store. At the most they will last one day once you get them home. Other produce is typically just as bad and the selection, even of vegetables, is limited to mainly the basics, apples, a few peaches, a few ears of corn, etc. Even the restaurants are not getting a terribly quality product, at least in my opinion. Sysco brings all of the produce in for all the restaurants and convenience stores. The question I have been leading up to is this: Are there any government or other resources available for financing an operation that would produce enough product to serve a small areas produce quality needs. I have been trying to find some info and just seem to run into roadblocks. I have found some viable greenhouses and a possible land to use for the venture. Also if anyone might be able to lead me in the direction of a Group or forum or some other site that I can find support for this.

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