Fresh Produce Discussion Blog

Created by The Packer's National Editor Tom Karst

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Bringing it with passion

On the heels of the McDonald's CSR blog, I found this Village Soup blog by Holly Noonan. With passion, Holly writes about food prices and government subsidies

One one hand, that's a real shame because fruits and vegetables are already too expensive for many Americans to buy LOTS of them, nevermind good quality and organic. This is frustrating when you realize that the US government is significantly subsidizing food products in our food supply IN ORDER TO make food affordable to working Americans. This is why you can get either 5 hamburgers or one salad at McDonalds for the same price. Only one of those products is created with subsidized commodities: wheat and beef fed on subsidized grain (which are, incidently, reared in horrid cattle cities called "CAFOs" that are not cleaning up after themselves, so the burger is also being subsidized by whomever is downwind and downstream of these places. The impact and the cleanup costs that SHOULD be added to the price of that burger are not.) So government is subsiding our food! But why the hell are they subsiding hamburgers instead of fruits and vegetables??! Right when I start getting worked up over that question, I remember that $1.5 BILLION goes to subsidize TOBACCO! (excuse my yelling, but someone should be yelling.)

TK: I have a feeling that Holly should get online with the McDonald's CSR blog and vent a little bit more.

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