Fresh Produce Discussion Blog

Created by The Packer's National Editor Tom Karst

Monday, June 16, 2008

Baja breaking free

There was apparently no breaking news over the weekend from the FDA on the traceback investigation, as I'm just now checking the office email after a full Sunday of family time. However, I did notice that Amy Philpott of United Fresh sent out an email about Baja California "certificate protocol." I would assume from a first reading of United's letter, sliding across the inbox at about 4:36 pm on Sunday, that the FDA will soon clear Baja California production under certain conditions. From the letter:

Dear United Fresh Members,
United Fresh received the attached documents regarding the certificate protocol for Roma (plum) and red round tomatoes from Baja California (Norte) from the Secretaria de Fomento Agropecuario del Gobierno del Estado de Baja California (Fomento Agropecuario). According to Fomento Agropecuario, these documents will also be posted on their web page,, sometime tomorrow.
You will note that most of the documents are specific to the producer or grower in Mexico. However, the "Application for Approval" document is for the importer of record, and the "Formato-Receivers" is for the receiver of the product.
These documents will also be available tomorrow on the United Fresh webpage dedicated to the Salmonella saintpaul Outbreak. There is a link to this special page on our home page
Questions regarding the protocol can be directed to:
Ing. Javier Marin
Director de Inspeccion, Sanidad e Inocuidad,
Secretario de Fomento Agropecuario del Gobierno del Estado de Baja California
Belem Avendaño
Asesor del Secretario de Fomento Agropecuario del Gobierno del Estado de Baja California
Amy Philpott
United Fresh Produce Association

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