Fresh Produce Discussion Blog

Created by The Packer's National Editor Tom Karst

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Chat - Cathy H

I took the occasion today to do a little informal consumer survey with my good sister Cathy, who lives near Fort Worth, Texas. With no advance warning, I quizzed her on the salmonella issue....

10:15 AM Hey I thought I would "interview" you, my sister about the tomato salmonella outbreak? Are you game?
cathy.h: sure bring it on
10:16 AM me: Do you remember when you first heard about tomatoes and salmonella - and did it affect the way you shopped for tomatoes?
10:17 AM cathy.h: yes-earlier in the week in the newspaper and I've heard they've removed them from several markets close by, so I haven't been shopping for them since. I still had some in the refrig that I used tho...
10:19 AM Rather than worry about the lack of tomatoes in the taco salad last night, I was satisfied that we would just use more salsa
me: Do you think it will make you less confident about fresh tomatoes the next time you see them in the store?
cathy.h: yes
10:20 AM me: When you have gone shopping lately, have you seen signs in the produce department about tomatoes?
10:21 AM cathy.h: what are the guidelines-is it just with certain varieties-thought it was just with the smaller roma and a couple kinds. Actually I haven't had to go to the store, so I haven't noticed the signs
cathy.h: Is it supposed to be better at the farmer's market-local produce?
me: I was going to ask you if you know what the FDA advice is right now?
10:22 AM cathy.h: No, cuz I haven't been that tuned in-I haven't watched the broadcast news-expecting my brother to keep me updated.
me: Ha ha...
10:23 AM me: Another question: do you know if the FDA has found the source of the problem tomatoes?
10:24 AM cathy.h: Last I heard they had not, but like I said, I don't watch television news that much-and haven't read that much in the paper lately. I could do a quick internet search so I could sound more intelligent
me: No - you are right- they haven't found the suspect farm/packing house yet, though many states have been "cleared"
10:25 AM cathy.h: what about texas?
me: Texas is good. I know you sometimes buy organic produce - do you think food safety outbreaks make you more likely to buy organic in the future, or does it matter one way or another?
10:26 AM cathy.h: I would have to study it, but in general, I would be more inclined with organic? What is your opinion, o wise one?
10:27 AM me: Me, the impartial news guy? I don't know if I can tell you!
Cathy, thanks for the "woman in the street" interview. You will see it on my blog!
10:28 AM cathy.h: ok bro-I'm interested-glad to know that Texas is Ok for now

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