Fresh Produce Discussion Blog

Created by The Packer's National Editor Tom Karst

Friday, March 20, 2009

Farmers vs. nutrition programs and the White House vegetable garden

Sen. Pat Roberts and seven other GOP senators have sent a letter to Agriculture Secretary Tom Villsack, asking Vilsack to stop "pitting the USDA against school nutrition programs," at least according to the headline of this story which caught my eye this morning. From the letter to Vilsack:

"You recently stated that the upcoming reauthorization of the school nutrition program and the larger agenda of the Department of Agriculture is a choice between 30 million children or 90,000 farmers. We believe you could not be more wrong about the choices that will confront policy makers and we sincerely hope you refrain from pitting the needs of children against the men and women who produce the food, feed, fiber and fuel we consume every day.

TK: This could be a tough year down on the farm, but growers of fruits and vegetables at least won't suffer the loss of direct payments and means-testing facing larger corn, cotton and soybean farmers.

Meanwhile, we see coverage here from The New York Times that the Obamas will plant a White House vegetable garden. From the story:

While the organic garden will provide food for the first family's meals and formal dinners, its most important role, Mrs. Obama said, will be to educate children about healthful, locally grown fruit and vegetables at time when obesity has become a national concern.

In an interview in her office, Mrs. Obama said, "My hope is that through children, they will begin to educate their families and that will, in turn, begin to educate our communities."

TK: We know this; the White House vegetable garden CANNOT fail. No matter, what the obstacles, the harvest will come in

USDA to use tax records to check ag subsidy availability Des Moines Register
Farmers, get ready to let the Agriculture Department look at your tax records.In an effort to catch wealthy people who are ineligible for farm subsidies, recipients will be required to sign a form allowing the Internal Revenue Service to provide their tax records to USDA.USDA officials say their inability to get access to IRS records in the past has made it difficult to catch subsidy recipients who exceeded income limits.

Earth is running dry Business Wire
Eight million deaths a year are attributed to water and sanitation shortages and according to experts at the 5th World Water Forum taking place in Istanbul this week, our planet is going to run out of fresh water resources unless immediate action is taken. With the goal of "not wasting a drop," the Forum calls all nations to implement necessary measures to stop the inevitable worldwide water shortage. With this spirit, elected representatives from around the world signed the Istanbul Water Consensus (IWC) on Thursday, March 19, 2009. The consensus was created to develop water management strategies in the face of global challenges.

Farm to fork food safety bill filed Bradenton Herald

Senate Bill 2098, the Farm to Fork Food Safety Act, would transfer and reassign duties relating to food service safety to the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.When the federal government contacts the state with a food safety issue, the lines of communication would be clear with a single point of contact, Baker said Thursday.Terry McElroy, a spokesman with the Florida Department of Agriculture, said his department has not fully analyzed the bill and doesn't have a point of view on its provisions.

No way to police immigration Baltimore Sun
Since the 9/11 attacks, federal immigration agents have helped train local police and sheriff's deputies in enforcing the country's immigration laws. The program - now in use by 67 law enforcement agencies in 23 states - is supposed to help reduce serious crime. Frederick County Sheriff Charles Jenkins would tell you, as he did a congressional committee recently, that the program has helped his suburban county. But neither Sheriff Jenkins nor any one else has been able to show that this federal-local partnership has in fact reduced crime.Without that critical evidence, Congress should resist any effort to expand the program, known by its authorizing legislation: Section 287(g) of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act. The training program is not the answer to the country's illegal immigration woes. It's not even an effective Band-Aid.

E-verify to survive through September

The fate of a national employee verification program aimed at combating illegal immigration is safe for now, but it's unclear whether Congress will renew it beyond this fall. As long as the program, called E-Verify, is on the books, a New Jersey assemblyman wants all businesses in the state to use it to check the legal status of prospective employees. But immigrant-rights advocates are prepared to fight any attempt to expand the use of E-Verify in New Jersey, arguing that the Internet-based system is riddled with errors.

Tissues more popular than potatoes UK Telegraph

While bread is the most common purchase, found in 74 per cent of all shopping baskets, tissues comes in at number two, beating breakfast cereals, potatoes, apples and beef. The analysis was undertaken by Ocado, the online grocer that delivers Waitrose products. It examined 180,000 different online orders during February, when Britain was in the grip of snow storms and sub-zero temperatures with many people suffering from colds.

European industrial output plunges Bloomberg
European industrial production dropped by the most on record in January as the deepest global recession in more than six decades forced companies to cut output and curb investments.

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At March 20, 2009 at 2:58:00 PM CDT , Blogger Brittanicus said...

People are always complaining that to live in Los Angeles county, is the one of the most expensive places to live in America. The taxes for properties have escalated over the last 20 years along with everything else. Once the Democratic leftist assembly engineered Proportion 187 to the trash pile and not the courts, taxes skyrocketed. The open border special interest had won a major war to extend welfare to illegal immigrants in the county. Not only to saturate the county with millions of illegal families have planted themselves in the county, but in the state. Not from just across the distressed border, but by overstaying visas, from China--Canada--Russia--Ireland and anywhere else.

Initiated by Democrat Dianne Feinstein, San Francisco became no.1 Sanctuary City, flowed by Los Angeles were police were forbidden to question people of their legal status. Over a period of time hard core-slime gang members infested the neighborhoods from impoverished nations. Cold blooded murders by gun or machete is now a daily occurrence. Because of the influx of cheap labor thousands of legal residents and even citizens lost their jobs. Pariah contractors took advantage on street corners to offer a few dollars for services. Living by the thousands in squalid conditions of families crammed into a garage, the landlords became contaminated with greed. This year Governor Schwarzenegger state buckled under a $47 billion budget deficit because of 4 million plus illegal immigrants.

Through violating Federal law, thousands of foreign nationals live in low income housing. Mothers who crossed the border to intentionally have children, under a questionable law of automatic citizenship. Have taken taxpayers to the cleaners, with millions of dollars owed to hospitals in baby delivery. In California there are many violations of federal law of welfare payments and an almost endless list of other benefits meant for the US legal population. Much of the money paid to illegal aliens is paid under the table by parasite employer, with billions being exported to foreign lands--not going into the states negative coffers. Terrible management by Sacramento leftist and the influx of poverty stricken immigrants has now culminated in even higher taxes for Angeleno's in 2009. It's not just the illegal immigrants imposed on the taxpayer, but escalation of homes in farming areas, pollution from millions of extra car exhausts, availability of energy for automobiles, home heating and air conditioning and the progressive shortage of water. Most of the politicians that are causing this traumatic chaos, don't live in these overrun communities. Other than a town home, they live on the perimeters of environmental chaos. Ex-President Bush didn't live in downtown Dallas? His family circle lived in a far off Ranch in Crawford Texas. His water probably comes freshly from the mountains--his energy is generated from an outback generator most likely? Pelosi has her farm in Napa county, with most probably illegal aliens picking the crops or maintaining the property?

Now these anti-sovereignty lawmakers are begging President Obama for even more money, that will be used for many infrastructure projects--such as Highway repair, bridges. If the Heritage Foundation is correct 300.000 illegal labor will get jobs that by law, should go to American Workers? This is because Sen. Harry Reid, Speaker Nancy Pelosi secretly tabled E-Verify, that would have foreseen fraudulent document, such as Social Security ID. Annually Social security numbers are stolen or otherwise compromised by illegal aliens--even deceased peoples social security number in not safe. Today greed is not just a staple of Wall street, but in most state Capitols. Politicians and THE PEOPLE of America are livid, yet frustrated with Insurance giant AIG, but we support 40 million illegal aliens--analyzed by Heritage Foundation, with nearly a trillion dollars a year. As of today Rep. Gutierrez’s tour making it's rounds touting how wonderful AMNESTY would be for America. He and many others see unlimited immigration as a boon to our nation. But in truth it will cost--YOU--the taxpayer a trillions? In health care, major illnesses, education--and access to Social Security and pensions. But those here could sponsor their extended families abroad in other countries, could bring in their sick brothers, mentally handicapped relatives--the costs born by you. Then what about the next waves of indigent people, who missed this AMNESTY, thinking if they slip across the border, they can catch the next chance a becoming legal.

We should enforce the 1986 immigration laws in the Simpson/Mazzoli control act.

We just cannot keep supplementing the income of every illegal alien who crosses our border by any means. E-Verify must be made a positive example to stop further ingress of illegal alien taking the jobs of legal Angeleno's or any legal worker in the country. It should be made permanent as part of immigration laws. Although derailed by the leftists, it will survive till September. It is now up to the AMERICAN PEOPLE to demand it is funded forever. America can no longer afford to support millions of immigrants. Call your Senator or Representative--NOW! Please do not procrastinate. Do not listen to it's critics, who all have a nefarious motive for sinking laws that halt illegal immigration. You cannot be more successful than 99.6 percent with the E-Verify program, that 50 Democrats cut out of the Stimulus/Omnibus spending packages. Call the Washington Switchboard 202-224-3121. To find your Senator: To phone your Representative: Leave a comment for the President: 202) 456-1414, To comment: Comments (202) 456-111


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