SUPPORT RELIEF FOR GULF FISHERMEN The environmental impact of the BP oil drilling disaster is a blow to all of us, but it's acutely painful for those fishermen who rely on the Gulf for their livelihoods. At moments like this, we can support them by donating to relief efforts (Oxfam, Gulf Aid, Gulf Coast Fund and the Gulf Restoration Network are collecting donations) by volunteering (Sierra Club is hosting clean-ups) and by staying informed (the Louisiana Seafood Board is posting news). We can also support the ongoing rebuilding of the Gulf and other regional seafood industries by making sure the seafood we buy is domestic and sustainably harvested.  SPEAKING UP FOR SCHOOL LUNCH Over the last year, hundreds of thousands of people have spoken up for healthier school lunches, leading Congress to draft a Child Nutrition Bill with the deepest investment and strongest standards in the National School Lunch Program's sixty-year history. But now our progress is on the line: the Senate might postpone the bill's passage for another year or two. Schools would start next year with the same-old system, and the bill would start over with zero funding, no new standards and no grants to help schools buy local and plant gardens. Please write your Senators today and tell them to pass the Child Nutrition Bill ASAP.  HELP THE USDA COUNT ALL THE FARMERS MARKETS: DEADLINE EXTENDED TO JUNE 4 Each year the USDA does a census of farmers markets. It yields critical information about where and when farmers markets are operating, as well as what federal nutrition assistance programs are accepted at which farmers markets. When you see statistics - in the press, quoted by politicians, or used as a way to chart the local food movement and prove its reach -- they come from this census. The results turn around quickly: this year's numbers will be released in August. Forward this information to any farmers market managers you know, so the USDA can secure the best information possible.  JUST FOR GARDENERS & FARMERS Climate Friendly Gardening Publication Available: The Union of Concerned Scientists released The Climate-Friendly Gardener: A Guide to Combating Global Warming from the Ground Up that details climate-friendly techniques and tools any gardener can use to avoid contributing to climate change. Manual Available on Mobile Slaughter Units: This manual offers guidance for anyone interested in building and/or operating an inspected mobile slaughter unit (MSU) based upon the experiences and expertise of several USDA-inspected MSUs in operation.  UPCOMING EVENTS Slow Food members and supporters are eligible for a 20% discount to the Slow Money conference, June 9-11. Use the code 'slowfoodusa' when registering (below). May 22 - Slow Food South Bay's 100% Grass-Fed Picnic May 23 - Slow Food Sante Fe's Biodynamic Wines Discussion & Tasting May 27 - School Garden Tour & "Two Angry Moms" Screening with Slow Food Portland May 30 - Slow Food O'ahu's Spring Potluck & Farm Tour Jun 6 - Slow Food St. Louis' Lambstravaganza Jun 9-11 - Slow Money National Gathering Jun 12 - Slow Food Upstate's Farm Tour "From Egg to Thanksgiving" Jun 12 - Slow Food San Francisco's 7th Annual Golden Glass  SHARE YOUR COMMENTS & EXPERIENCES   |
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