Fresh Produce Discussion Blog

Created by The Packer's National Editor Tom Karst

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Leading off

Lorelei DiSogra led off this morning's fruit and vegetable advisory committee meeting in DC, highlighting United's - and the specialty crop alliance - goal for funding the fruit and vegetable snack program. Overall, United would like expand funding to all 50 states. Right now, the 14 states and three tribal organizations that are funded provide fruits and vegetables to 25 schools per states, but the push is to get 100 schools per state. Overall, the funding goal is $300 million, with $200 million to fund 50 states at equal levels and $100 million to fund schools in states with larger populations.

With that formula, about 10% of U.S. schools would have the program. "Ten percent is a starting point to build on," she said.

"It's incumbent for us to make the case why this nutrition program needs to be funded for the produce industry, for children and for public health."

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