Fresh Produce Discussion Blog

Created by The Packer's National Editor Tom Karst

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

It is still news, isn't it?

Here is an offbeat perspective that brings to mind the ironical expression, "the exception proves the rule."
From the Wisconsin Ag Connection:

Is the nation's food safety system working or is it broken? The answer is both if you ask Michael Pariza, director of the University of Wisconsin Food Research Institute. During his testimony during last week's 'safety of fresh produce' hearing in Madison, Pariza--who serves as a professor of food microbiology and toxicology at the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences--says there are good and not-so-good things happening in the food service industry."One might argue that the system works, at least sort of, because foodborne illness, when it happens is still news," Pariza testified. "If the system were completely broken foodborne illness would be commonplace, and it certainly is not that.

TK: Pariza believes that the funds that used to go to food safety oversight have been redirected to counter terrorism efforts after Sept. 11, 2001. That trend must be reversed, he believes, or else foodborne illness outbreaks may someday not make the front page.



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