Mr. Johanns comes to Kansas City

Johanns is arguably one of the most accessible Cabinet members ever, and was helpful to editors of both livestock publications and The Packer in this morning's interview session.
We asked him produce-related questions about immigration, the role of USDA marketing orders in food safety practices, border inspections for invasive pests, South Korea-U.S. free trade talks, the WTO, country of origin labeling, the farm bill and the flex acre provisions on program crops.
In general, Johanns communicates a conviction that the "Washington way" is not always the best way. That's refreshing. Perhaps it's no coincidence that Johanns ability to listen to voices outside the beltway has resulted in reform-minded farm bill proposals that are friendly to specialty crop growers.
Labels: Farm Bill, FDA, immigration, Mike Johanns, The Packer, WTO
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