Fresh Produce Discussion Blog

Created by The Packer's National Editor Tom Karst

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Marler in the lion's den

Bill Marler's Feb. 28 speech at the National Steinbeck Center must have been fascinating to be at. Here is one take from The Santa Cruz Sentinel about the event. The Packer's John Chadwell also will have coverage of Marler.

Here is grower reaction from The Monterey Herald about the news that authorities have apparently placed the field ID for tainted spinach in San Benito rather than Monterey County.

TK: I really like that the invitation was extended to Marler to speak, and you also have to admire his frank talk. However, I wonder how the lawyers defending spinach suppliers feel when Marler tells growers to be prepared to admit guilt and be ready to "I'm sorry." That might be making Marler's trips to the bank a little too easy.

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At March 3, 2007 at 7:09:00 PM CST , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The idea of saying you are sorry is good business (perhaps bad for the law business)in a strict liability case where it is clear that your product sickened and killed people. It is not like you are going to escape from me, it just is how much damage are you going to cause yourself by blaming others and sticking your head in the sand. The best thing to do is to reach out to your customers and offer to pay medical bills and wage loss and to work with them (and their attorneys if they have one) if the case is more complex - like needing kidney transplants and dealing with brain injuries - all a consequence of E. coli induced HUS.


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