Big Apple: New York apple estimate

TK: This just slid across the inbox not long ago. From the New York Apple Association.
New York Apple Growers Predict a 29.5 Million
Bushel Harvest for 2007
FISHERS, N.Y. -- The New York Apple Association today announced its annual crop prediction is 29.5 million bushels for the fall harvest.
"We're looking at an outstanding quality crop this fall," said Jim Allen, president of the New York Apple Association. "New York's crop this year will be one to savor and enjoy."
Outstanding summer growing conditions, as well as ideal pollination conditions this spring, have led to one of the best looking crops ever in New York, growers are reporting.
Statewide, the three primary growing regions are all reporting good quality. The strongest fruiting area is the eastern part of the state, with some orchards predicting a crop size 110 percent of normal.
The Lake Champlain region has rebounded from last year's smaller-than-normal crop with potentially an excellent crop this year, according to growers in that area. In the western part of the state, along Lake Ontario, the recent rains have improved fruit size and growers there are predicting outstanding quality as well.
While growing condition are favorable, many growers have concerns about higher input costs, particularly for energy and labor.
"We are experiencing record high production costs this year based on fuel and cost increases on other materials," Allen said.
A huge looming concern this fall will be having enough labor to harvest this crop.
Harvest timing is expected to normal, with early varieties like Ginger Gold and Paula Red to be harvested beginning in two to three weeks.
This is expected to be an "on year" for the extremely popular Honeycrisp variety. Although New York apple growers will harvest more Honeycrisp, they are doubtful they will be able to meet the ever-increasing high consumer demand for that apple.
The harvest will begin in earnest in September when McIntosh ripens, New York's biggest variety. Empire apples, the state's second biggest variety will be picked later in September. The harvest runs through November with more than 20 different commercial varieties to be picked, ranking New York's crop as the most diverse in the nation.
Fruit size on all varieties looks good to excellent, growers and crop consultants are reporting.
The annual NYAA crop prediction was determined by a consensus of growers representing six apple growing districts throughout the state, crop advisors, processing apple buyers and Cornell Cooperative Extension agents.
The consensus number was reached during a conference call held on July 24.
It is the fifth year in a row that growers will pick a quality crop in New York.
Official crop sizes in New York for the last six years, according to USDA are:
25 million
16.1 million
New York ranks second in apple production nationwide.
The state's most popular varieties are McIntosh with 19 percent of the state's total production and Empire with 11 percent of the state's total. Other major varieties in descending order are Red Delicious, Rome, Crispin, Cortland and Idared.
Breakdown of crop utilization is roughly 52 percent for fresh apples sold at retail; the other 48 percent of the crop is used for processing products such as apple sauce, apple slices, cider and juice.
Apple consumption is on the rise due to continued university research proving that apples can help fight cancer, lower cholesterol and help dieters lose weight. Apples are the third most popular fruit item in grocery store produce sections behind bananas and grapes.
Labels: Big Apple, FDA, Jim Allen, Western Growers
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