To surf the net is to suffer fools
Guest blogger Lance Jungmeyer here ...
The Internet is a great place. I'm glad you could join us here to discuss fresh produce.
The Internet is also a place for losers and fools. Luckily, these types are pretty quickly outed. Still, to surf the net is to suffer fools.
To wit, this blog on is downright foolish. It links the incidence of salmonella in tomatoes to global warming. I'm not kidding.
The author relates how he interviewed someone from Food and Water Watch, and how this individual speculated that because of climate change and the need to grow more produce on less land, that GMOs were being planted. Further, the blog states that GMO strands will somehow cause more outbreaks.
Of course, fresh GMO tomatoes were a market failure and no one is selling them now, to my knowledge.
At any rate, many Web users roundly ridiculed this blogger for being full of it. Here are some samples:
"What a bunch of hogwash! There is no link between GMO and the current outbreaks of salmonella! Were you educated in a barn?"
"They don’t even know the source yet the gullible warming crowd is out there throwing blame around. They are certainly consistent about jumping to conclusions. Now if we can just get them to wake up to the fact they keep jumping to the wrong conclusions we might be able to save the economy. This is unacceptable fear mongering, plain and simple."
"Maybe it is the space aliens who are idling their space rocket engines for too long while they orbit the planet that are causing global warming. And to make matters worse, what if they are secretly pooping on our tomatoes?"
At least the general public can stand up against nonsense "journalism."
Labels: FDA, Lance Jungmeyer
With this crisis, my tomato biz friends & I have developed a new (un)appreciation for the digital idiot box known as the Internet.
Good work in pointing that out.
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