Fresh Produce Discussion Blog

Created by The Packer's National Editor Tom Karst

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Litttle news but more communication

David Mitchell, the lead reporter for The Packer on the salmonella story, tells me that there is no FDA call again today. Here are a couple of industry communications, first from the Fresh Produce Association of the Americas and the second from United Fresh.

For Immediate Release Contact: Allison Moore
July 8, 2008 520-287-2707

FPAA Continues to Work with FDA on Salmonella Saintpaul Investigation

In early June our industry along with consumers in the United States learned from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that there was a possible link between certain types of tomatoes and an outbreak of Salmonella Saintpaul. Since that first announcement, the Fresh Produce Association of the Americas (FPAA) has devoted our resources to helping the FDA determine the source of contamination and to learn what may have gone wrong in the supply chain so that these events do not happen in the future.
While the FDA says that they continue their traceback of tomatoes to determine where in the supply chain that contamination may have occurred, the FDA says they are also increasing domestic and import samples of certain commodities commonly served with tomatoes. The FDA informed the industry that these items include serrano peppers, jalapeño pepper, and cilantro.
The industry saw the same increase in sampling for domestic and imported tomatoes at the onset of the FDA investigation in June. In addition to their traceback investigation, the increase in sampling is another tool the FDA is using to conduct a thorough investigation into the possible sources of contamination.
There were several inaccurate media reports over the weekend concerning the FDA’s decision to increase sampling of additional commodities served with tomatoes. All imported products, including those being sampled at an increased rate, are STILL CLEARED to enter the United States. The integrity of the shipments with sample results pending from the FDA is being maintained until those sample results are completed.
The day to day standard operating procedure for imports requires that information on every single imported produce shipment is submitted to the FDA. This is required by law. The FDA reviews the information of every single shipment before that shipment is cleared to enter U.S. commerce. During the initial review of this information, the FDA decides, based on their selection criteria, whether or not to sample a product.

From United Fresh last night.......

Dear United Fresh Members,
Over the past 24 hours we have received a number of questions from members regarding the FDA’s and CDC’s official advice to consumers and the industry regarding potential actions related to the Salmonella saintpaul outbreak. We have been talking with a number of you to answer these questions individually, but also recognize the need to provide a collective message for all of you that you can use with your customers and suppliers.
We also recognize that this entire outbreak investigation has been the most frustrating and costly food safety event ever for many of you. United Fresh Produce Association is committed to wholesale change in the way government manages future outbreak situations, and we have previously shared our
communications with the senior level of the Bush Administration. We are now engaged extensively with FDA, CDC, Members of Congress, and other country governments in discussing these issues, to both drive immediate action now and long-term fundamental reform for the future. Once this outbreak is over and we finally determine its cause, we also are committed to working with Congress and the Administration on compensation for those who have been harmed by the flawed process of this outbreak investigation.
However, we also have to recognize that the illnesses caused by this strain of Salmonella saintpaul have not ended, and government health officials must continue to try aggressively to pinpoint the source. While there is tremendous speculation and growing evidence that tomatoes of any kind may not be the source, neither CDC nor FDA are willing to rule this out at this time. At the same time, these agencies are not clinging to what may have been a mistaken first conclusion, but are also examining the possibility that a different food source may be causing the ongoing illnesses. Many media reports have cited certain chile peppers and cilantro as commodities of interest, but a wide range of other food products is also being studied. That is a proper step.
For the fresh produce supply chain, it is critical to note that neither CDC nor FDA have provided any consumer cautions about any other produce items. It would be unwise for industry to begin following speculation about these commodities as reason for any change in the marketplace, when CDC and FDA will clearly announce their concerns if they rise to that level. We advise all industry members to continue to review the specific advice on the CDC and FDA websites in making all product decisions. That advice can be summarized as follows:
FDA has published an extensive list of production regions from which all tomatoes can be freely sourced. These include production regions in both the United States and Mexico, and those areas are identified on the
FDA website here.
Consumers are advised to avoid any raw Roma, Plum and red round tomatoes from areas that are not on the “cleared list.” We know of no tomatoes from these regions that are now on the market, but supply chain partners should be sure of that in their own operations.
All cherry tomatoes, grape tomatoes, and tomatoes with the vine still attached have been officially cleared by FDA and can also be consumed freely.
Neither FDA nor CDC have issued any consumer or industry advisories with regard to any other produce or food item, including chile peppers, cilantro or other commodities. We have full confidence that if these agencies determine that there is a substantive risk associated with any other commodity, from any particular source, they will issue such information immediately and we will update you.
We hope this information is helpful in making your own business plans. If you have any additional questions, please contact me at or call me at 202-303-3400 ext. 425.

TK: United mentions the topic of compensation in their communication, and that issue must surely be a part of any Congressional deliberations.

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