Fresh Produce Discussion Blog

Created by The Packer's National Editor Tom Karst

Sunday, July 20, 2008

More on the blog poll question

Still 18 hours to vote on the blog poll question, and I think it will already set the record for participation. In any case, the question was admittedly imperfect, and I have come to see more of its flaws revealed in the discourse of the question on a couple of discussion boards. From the Food Safe Group:

Professor Frank Hartman wrote:

I believe we are missing the true problem. Every refrigerated container carries a massive number and variety of pathogens, Take three perti dishes and place them in any truck container for food or plants. the entire refrigerated container system is contaminated.

More on trucks from Roy Costa:

This is very true. Transport is a missing link and we are involved in a risk assessment study now to define the parameters for safe transport. Should be published in the Federal Regitrar this fall or early winter.Roy E Costa,

TK: On the question of consumer "blame," from Robert LaBudde:

Attempts to blame FBI illness on consumer behavior are typically pure conjecture. And there is no scientific evidence to support these conjectures, except a feeling that "it must be true".
Having said this, there are situations and pathogens where consumer (and restaurant) behavior plays a key role. Backyard barbeques and E. coli O157:H7 in ground beef are an obvious example. In this case, however, the extreme carefulness to avoid cross-contamination and to provide proper cooking are an unrealistic expectation (implied by FSIS' rules) for consumer behavior.

TK: The result of the poll is perhaps incidental to the discussion of the problem, but if you are keeping score at home, the poll tally at about 9 pm central on Sunday night: "Consumers" top the vote as the "most to blame" with 39% of the vote.

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