Fresh Produce Discussion Blog

Created by The Packer's National Editor Tom Karst

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Would you rather..... and other top headliines

Not produce related, but lately I've been watching the BBC/HBO series The Extras and bring to you these "would you rather" questions from the childish but endearing Maggie. Go to this link for the answer from Andy. You may see these top five would you rather questions from Maggie in coming Fresh Talk polls if I run out of produce fodder.

#1 - Would you rather have a bionic arm or a bionic leg?

#2 - Would you rather die of the cold of die of the heat?

#3 - Would you rather have your face and body but the brain of a chimpanzee or be a chimpanzee but have your human brain?

#4 - Would you rather wake up and find your teeth have fallen out or your hair has fallen out?

#5 - Would you rather be a penguin who's a bird but can't fly or a flying fish that's a fish that can fly a bit?

Late afternoon produce headlines today:

Coupon confidential Daily Gazette
And Dole bagged salads taste even better when I’m paying $1.59 for the privilege and less savvy consumers like Bill Buell are paying $3.59.

Bill in Senate revives debate over trade with Cuba NYT
The bill, which will come up for a vote by the Senate this week, includes provisions that would ease some travel and trade restrictions enacted under the Bush administration. The changes would effectively allow Americans with relatives in Cuba to visit more frequently and would no longer require cash in advance when agricultural goods are shipped to Cuba.

Running on empty The Washington Post
In its first six weeks in office, the administration has launched hugely expensive and ambitious programs, not only to spur employment and arrest a sickening slide in stocks, mortgages and profits, but to overhaul such complex and vital services as health care, education, and energy production and conservation.

Del Monte: Melons, fresh-cut present challenges
Coverage from The Packer

Budget opens farm bill wounds
The Hill

Sen. Ted Kennedy takes on the FDA

Ports defend truck programs Contra Costa Times

11% of mortgages are troubled
CNN Money
The percentage of borrowers at least one month behind in their mortgage payments - but not in foreclosure - rose to nearly 8% during the fourth quarter of 2008, according to the National Delinquency Report from the Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA).

Wal-Mart beats the gloom as sales rise ABC
While consumers may disagree on the quality of items offered by Wal-Mart compared to its competitors, a recent review by found that when it came to low prices, Wal-Mart generally beat out archrival Target and regional grocery chain Stop & Shop on both name brand and generic goods.


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