Fresh Produce Discussion Blog

Created by The Packer's National Editor Tom Karst

Thursday, March 29, 2007

The healthiest state

Vermont - I've never been there. But apparently it has some serious momentum as a haven for health. This news release passed on by a Fresh Talk reader describes Vt. as the "healthiest state." Kansas ranks a respectable 10th.

“Vermont certainly has earned bragging rights to the Healthiest State honors,” said Scott Morgan, President of Morgan Quitno Press. “It offers great access to primary care doctors, has a low teen birth rate and a high percentage of citizens covered by health insurance. In addition, the people of Vermont are physically fit: it has one of the lowest obesity rates among states and some of the highest percentages of citizens who exercise.”
Following Vermont were Minnesota in second place, Massachusetts in third, Maine in fourth and New Hampshire in fifth. Bringing up the end of the rankings scale were Louisiana in last place, New Mexico in 49th, Mississippi in 48th, Nevada in 47th and Florida in 46th place.

TK: The northern tier get payback for all the winter storms...

From the same people comes a list of the safest and most dangerous states, with this teaser...

Why does Nevada hang on to the most dangerous title while North Dakota owns the safest state title?

Morgan softens the blow...

Despite Nevada’s continuing struggle with crime, there is hope on the horizon,” said Morgan. “Its robbery rate fell more than 7% from 2004 to 2005, signaling a positive change for the state.”

Nevada's chamber of commerce can grab hold of that, at least. Meanwhile, North Dakota has a death grip on its "safest state" crown.

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At March 29, 2007 at 6:16:00 PM CDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

SUBJECT: Governor’s Daylight Savings Challenge Springs School Kids Into Action

BURLINGTON – A state renowned for changing colors in the fall is becoming known to Vermont school children as a place to “eat colors” every spring.

During the week of April 3, children and their families are encouraged to eat more colors (fruits and vegetables), move more and turn off the television during the Daylight Savings Challenge.

Previous challenges, developed by Gov. Jim Douglas as part of the Fit & Healthy Kids initiative promoting health eating and increased physical activity, involved more than 1,000 students from 70 schools from across the state.

“Every year the highlight of the Daylight Savings Challenge for me is reading the letters from school kids,” Gov. Douglas said. “A 7-year-old from Manchester wrote last spring, ‘I either take a walk in the woods or take a bike ride – then I go in my house to eat at least two different colors. I also help my Mom shop for colors.’ I receive hundreds of these types of letters from inspired young people in Vermont who feel empowered to set an example not only for themselves but for their parents as well.”

Vermont schools, preschools and childcare centers are encouraged during the week to find ways to incorporate healthy eating and physical activity into academics, including tracking daily fruit and vegetable consumption or minutes of physical activity logged each day.

The most creative school to incorporate the challenge will win a visit from Gov. Douglas and be invited to walk with the Governor in Montpelier along with 12 individual challenge winners on April 29.

Every challenge winner will also meet Andy Bishop, a former professional cyclist who rode with the winning Dutch team in the 1988 Tour De France.

For more information and tracking sheets schools can utilize to chart nutrition and physical activity, visit:, or call the Vermont Department of Health at 802-863-7330.

At March 30, 2007 at 12:31:00 AM CDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What does this post have to do with anything about the industry? Are you on drugs?

At March 30, 2007 at 8:41:00 AM CDT , Blogger Tom Karst said...

No drugs here. This isn't totally unrelated, though it is purely whimsy that I made note of it. Obesity is one of the factors in the healthiest state, and reference the first comment about what Vermont is doing right with promoting "eating colors" every day. Vermont rocks.


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