Fresh Produce Discussion Blog

Created by The Packer's National Editor Tom Karst

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Election Day

Don't forget the Election 2008 Web site today to follow the primaries in Texas and Ohio. Here is sample commentary from the site:

So what's the conclusion for Texas? Clinton's once huge lead has vanished. The state is now a statistical tie. However, because so many districts have 4 or 6 delegates and the districts where Obama is strong have the most, in a close election, he is likely to walk away with more delegates. Also, Obama has done extremely well in Western caucuses all year and there is no reason to doubt that he will do well in the Texas caucus as well. Thus even in a close election today, he may end up with more Texas delegates than she.

Now on to Ohio. The picture there is much brighter for Clinton. Her once double digit lead has been reduced, but most polls show her ahead by single digits. Ohio has fewer delegates than Texas, but it's 161 is still a large number. Ohio has a very different electorate than Texas. With oil at $100 a barrel, there is still quite a bit of swagger in Texas. Rust-belt Ohio has been hit hard economically with many plant closings. The state has far more older blue collar workers who are barely hanging on and they mostly support Clinton, so she is expected to do better here than in Texas.

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At March 4, 2008 at 3:13:00 PM CST , Blogger Pamela said...

I'm so glad to live in Texas right now. I actually went out and voted in a primary today!

Did you know in Texas you also caucus? They expect me to go out tonight and basically vote again with witnesses. 2/3 of the vote is from the ballot and 1/3 of the vote is from caucus.

I'm all civic-dutied out today.


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