Tom Mathison- A legend remembered

Above: Tom and West Mathison
The passing of Tom Mathison is a sad event for the produce industry because he still had so much passion for his company and fruit marketing. I had a chance to visit with Roger Pepperl, West Mathison and Desmond O'Rourke yesterday about Tom, and the themes of optimism, innovation, problem solving and relationship building came through in those conversations.
Lee Peters of Fowler Farms writes in an email today:
I can think of no other person in the apple industry that has made such a profound impact on all of his competitors other than Tom Mathison. He has been respected by all and will be greatly missed.
Feel free to add comments to this post or shoot me an email at with your observations about Tom Mathison..
Labels: Apples, FDA, Tom Mathison
Tom Mathison was a gentleman and a visionary. His contributions to the apple industry are well documented, but I think another good reflection on a great man is who he appointed to keep Stemilt running at his high standards.
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