Fresh Produce Discussion Blog

Created by The Packer's National Editor Tom Karst

Friday, April 6, 2007

Western Growers Back East

Here is the news release that describes the move by Western Growers to open a DC office on April 30.
From the release:

Western Growers Executive Vice President Matt McInerney will temporarily head the new office until full-time federal government affairs staff is hired. "Opening and staffing a Washington, D.C. office has been a long-term goal for Western Growers, our Board of Directors and members," said Tom Nassif, President and CEO of Western Growers. "Western Growers believes that it can best serve its members by having a full time Washington, D.C. presence to lobby on federal issues like the 2007 Farm Bill, immigration reform, specialty crop competitiveness and food safety."
"These are just a few of the federal issues that are extremely important to our membership and that require our full-time attention," said Steve Patricio, Western Growers Chairman of the Board. "The Board of Directors believes strongly that opening a Washington, D.C. office now is very timely because of the extremely critical federal legislative and regulatory matters pressing the fresh produce industry."
"The new full time federal government affairs staff will complement and enhance the current Western Growers' federal lobbying efforts of our long-time federal lobbying consultants, Bob Schramm, Schramm, Williams & Associates, and Julian Heron, Tuttle, Taylor and Heron," said Nassif. "To underscore the importance of opening the D.C. office, during the transition to a full time D.C. staff, both Jasper Hempel, WG's Executive Vice President and General Counsel, and I will spend more time in Washington, D.C. to assist Matt establish Western Growers' full-time presence in Congress and the many federal agencies with whom we work."

TK: This is an impressive investment by WG, and the current legislative and regulatory environment begs for grower input in DC. Keeping produce industry voices together - United, if you will - as big issues like the farm bill, immigration and food safety roll through Congress is paramount.

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