Fresh Produce Discussion Blog

Created by The Packer's National Editor Tom Karst

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Think local

The idea of sourcing local produce is a concept with increasing appeal, particularly for school food service programs looking to buy fruits and vegetables from nearby growers. Here is a story that highlights the trend in Washington state.

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Arsenal or silver bullet

This feature talks about the various techniques researchers have employed to reduce pathogens on food, including ozone, high-intensity ultrasound, electrolyzed water, irradiation and temperature. Researchers say that no one technology is the silver bullet; combining treatments is the pathway to the most dramatic pathogen reductions.
This column by conservative firebrand Dennis Avery makes the case for irradiation and common sense, not government expansion of FDA. He asks, "Can we expect farmers to put night-vision cameras around their fields—and shoot every wild creature that digs under their fences?" No matter his logic, Avery doesn't hit the right pitch for our current Congress, I'm afraid.

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Investors seem to like the recent news, reported here in The Packer by Don Schrack, of the long-term transportation agreement Western Growers signed with C.H. Robinson Worldwide Inc., Eden Prairie, Minn. CRHW stock was up more than $2, or better than 5%, in mid-afternoon trading today. At the market close, the stock had gained $2.41 to $43.30, up 5.89%.

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They said it couldn't be done

Growing organic produce in Florida is tough. But this feature highlights a handful of growers in south Florida who are making a go of it. On the demand side, one concept with appeal to some consumers cited in the story is the "Organic Buying Club of South Florida." Paying $43 twice a month provides members a 30-pound share of locally produced organic vegetables every other week. One nice quote from an extension agent: ''It used to be the organic farmer was an ex-hippie kind of guy who ate tofu burgers." Now all they want to do is make money.
Another south Florida nod toward organic and local produce is found in this feature about restaurant trends.

Kudos to a balanced consumer press feature story about food safety, which opened with this line "Nothing is going to keep 78-year-old Mary Manoukian from her vegetables." Another apt line from the reporter: "Fear junk food more than the junk - the human and cattle waste - that could contaminate your next salad."

"Ten tips to keep fruits and vegetables safe from E. coli and other bacteria" is the title of a helpful if exhaustive list written for responsible consumers. Ten tips sounds like a lot, but far be it from me to undercut this consciousness raising effort.

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