More specifics
This from the office of Rep. Adam Putnam, from Karen Williams. Karen notes that several titles are closed but Final Farm Bill Conference Agreement has not been signed.
T10-5 Specialty Crop Block Grants (Sec. 10102) $470 million
Program of block grants to states to support projects in marketing, research, education, pest/disease management, production, and food safety.
T10 -15 Pest and Disease Program (Sec. 10201) $385 minus $ 8 million
Establishes a new program to conduct early pest detection and surveillance activities in coordination with state departments of agriculture, to prioritize and create action plans to address pest and disease threats to specialty crops, and to create an audit-based certification approach to protect against the spread of
T7-95 Specialty Crop Research (Sec. 7411 - Research Title) $230 million
Establishes the Specialty Crop Research Initiative to develop and disseminate science-based tools to address the needs of specific crops and their regions, including work in plant breeding and genetics, safety, quality, and yield; efforts to identify and address threats posed by invasive species; marketing; pollination and efforts to improve production.
Planting Flexibility- Would allow the planting of fruits and vegetables for processing on 75,000 acres in seven designated Midwestern states.
Labels: Adam Putnam, FDA