Fresh Produce Discussion Blog

Created by The Packer's National Editor Tom Karst

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Drops and Adds

I dropped the slow moving rss Feed from the Heritage Foundation and added the Fresh & Easy blog rss feed on the the side of the blog. Now you can observe for yourselves the spirit of either vindication or desperation as F&E marches on.

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Broken links

There is nothing worse in the world then a broken Web link. Well, okay, there are worse things, but links that led to nowhere rank right up there on the list of modern annoyances. Anyway, the link to the USDA National Retail Report for Fruit and Vegetables doesn't work, and I can find no listing of reports within the AMS site that gives me the proper link. Anyone who can pull the correct link for the current report off the USDA Web site, by all means let me know.

By the way, if anybody is looking at the links from the blog and finds one or more of them doesn't work (like the National Retail report), let me know so I can try to fix them.
