Fresh Produce Discussion Blog

Created by The Packer's National Editor Tom Karst

Friday, March 6, 2009

GMA likes Putnam Costa

From the GMA.....

(Washington, D.C.) The Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) today issued the following statement from GMA President and CEO Pam Bailey regarding H.R.1332 the Safe FEAST Act (Safe Food Enforcement, Assessment, Standards and Targeting Act of 2009) cosponsored by U.S. Representatives Jim Costa (D-CA) and Adam Putnam (R-FL).

"Ensuring the safety of our products is priority number one for the food industry. Without consumer confidence, nothing else we do is possible. I applaud Congressmen Costa and Putnam for proposing sensible legislation that will strengthen the foundation of America's food safety systems. In particular, GMA supports the requirement that all food companies have a comprehensive food safety plan in place. It is absolutely critical that manufacturers take a preventative approach in identifying and evaluating potential hazards, and building food safety into the manufacturing process from the very beginning. We are committed to working with Congress to enact food safety legislation that will continually improve the safety of America's food supplies."

Coverage of outbreak linked to sprouts and rising consumer fears of foodborne illness outbreaks

Doug Powell of the Food Safety Network passes on this coverage from Nebraska. From the AP:

The company that recalled alfalfa sprouts earlier this week after they were linked to a recent outbreak of salmonella in Nebraska and Iowa is defending its product.
SunSprout Enterprises Inc. said Thursday that it agreed to recall its alfalfa and onion sprouts as a precaution. But officials at the Omaha company say they believe their safety practices, which include testing for salmonella, would have caught any tainted sprouts.
Nebraska health officials said at least 17 cases of salmonella St. Paul illnesses had been linked to alfalfa sprouts that SunSprout distributed to restaurants and grocery stores. At least 12 Iowa cases have also been confirmed.
The company said additional information is available by calling 402-331-0803.
On the Net:
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services:
Iowa health department:
CDC's salmonella page:

TK: Meanwhile, Powell's link to the CattleNetwork's coverage of a Beef Board story is found here. From the story, The consumer research reveals that two thirds of consumers believe the number of foodborne illness outbreaks is on the rise, compared to 49% who felt that way in November 2008.