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I don't impress myself easily, but I've got to say I'm pleased as punch with the latest gadgets I've added to the blog. Here is a rundown of what you can find.
* Live radar map of U.S.
* Custom weather
* World clocks (Salinas, London, Moscow, Tokyo)
* Flight tracker - check the status of domestic or international flights within the blog
* Youtube videos playable within the blog ( A TK brew of various topics of interest)
* Stock ticker
* Google news reel - again TK selected topics that resonate with Fresh Talk readers
* Google hot trends - Gadget that shows in real time what people are searching for on Google
* A link to an online conversion Website - handy for hectares to acres, metric to English, etc.
* DIGG - topics that are generating Web interest
* Gadget displaying analyst comments about the most talked about S&P 500 companies
* This day in history
* Google maps embedded in blog
* CSPAN TV feed playable at the bottom of the blog
I've resisted the urge to add mind-numbing games, but I did add a "puzzles and riddles" gadget. Have fun.