Las Vegas was like any other convention town, except for the thousands of slot machines and the billboards touting Carrot Top, Cher and Danny Gains. Did it work for the United Fresh in 2008?
The feeling I got from exhibitors was that it did. Finding the value of the United show is what it is about.
Part of the appeal of the show relates to the timing of it. For example, one California tree fruit marketer said the show exactly met his needs because it allowed him to present some early varieties of California tree fruit in front of buyers. Thus the timing of a expo in early May was perfect. A show in October would not have the chance to build the same kind of momentum. Next year, when the show runs from April 22-24, will be a little bit earlier but still a good launching point for creating excitement for the new year.
What else constitutes the value, or unique value of the show? A couple people mentioned that United offers a less hectic, more intimate experience than the whirlwind of a
PMA. There may well be more buyers at the
PMA, the thought goes, but you may not get quality time with them.
Of course, everyone is curious to see what kind of effect there will be next year when the
FMI show and United are not co-located. That will be the test, many believe. If having
FMI in the same exhibit hall in previous years was an advantage, it stands to reason the show may lose something if that tie goes away.
It is clear that United has invested considerable staff effort and resources to the event. One exhibitor said that of the 17 conventions she attended in the past year, none reflected more effort by the organizing staff than the United show in building excitement and passing on information. Bringing in
foodservice and retail buyers for the awards banquet clearly is intended to help boost the buyer presence at the show, and that's a winning strategy.
As one produce marketer told me, buyers are the only reason they will decide to exhibit at the show. That keeps the pressure on United for the 2009 show, but clearly most who did exhibit in 2008 feel the show has earned their trust.
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