Here in New Orleans, Farm Bureau delegates heard yesterday from Acting Secretary of Agriculture Chuck Conner. His speech had no laugh lines, and Conner seemed to little enjoy delivering his remarks. He said in forceful terms that the President would veto any farm bill with a tax increases. Conner seemed to regret have to come with this stern news, though, of course, this has been the message he has been delivering for weeks and months. While he held up obligatory hope that a deal could get done, it wasn't the kind of expectant hope that signals a breakthrough. His reception was polite but decidedly chilly, and Conner didn't stay to answer questions from the crowed. Earlier in the day, speakers told delegates that their best interests were served by getting a farm bill done now rather than have the 2002 farm bill extended for two years. That scenario, one speaker said, could result in a downsized budget for the farm bill.As it is, the revenue question looms large if a farm bill is to be finished. Will there be across the board cuts to all programs if no new revenue is found? Will the Democrats refuse to play ball and dare the President to veto a bill? March 15 is the date targeted by some as the "drop dead" point for a new farm bill to be delivered this year. From the talk at the Big Easy, it won't be.Labels: Chuck Conner, Farm Bill, FDA