Fresh Produce Discussion Blog

Created by The Packer's National Editor Tom Karst

Monday, May 19, 2008

Rep. Sam Farr: $23 million in produce safety grants in farm bill

From the office of Rep. Sam Farr, D-Calif.:

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Following House and Senate passage, the Farm Bill is now headed to the president for his signature. Contained in this $286 billion, multi-year bill is funding for numerous food-safety programs vital to the Central Coast’s $3 billion fresh produce industry.

Congressman Sam Farr (D-Carmel), although not on the House Agriculture Committee, played the leading role in one provision of great importance for Central Coast farmers: a $23 million chunk of money set aside for fresh produce safety grants.

“This large pot of money for fresh produce research is great for our Central Coast farmers, it’s just the sort of support our farmers need,” Rep. Farr said. “We’ve all seen over the past year how outbreaks can affect Salinas Valley farmers, so it’s absolutely vital the we direct as many resources as possible toward preventing future incidents.”

These funds were included in the newly created $230 million Specialty Crop Research Initiative, a competitive grant program to be managed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. It’s these types of research grants that have proved so vital to the health and success of Salinas Valley agriculture.

“I’ve always been proud of Salinas as the world’s biggest fresh garden,” said Dennis Donohue, mayor of Salinas and incoming chairman of the Grower-Shipper Association of Central California. “But it’s equally important that we be the world’s biggest fresh laboratory. We need the resources to enhance the work we’re already doing and focus attention on food safety, an issue so important to American consumers.”

“The whole industry is delighted to see these funds in the bill,” Donohue said. “In an increasingly competitive world, one of the things that will allow us to maintain our advantage is to maintain and enhance consumer confidence in our products. My thanks go to Sam for all the work he puts into helping our farmers.”

The Specialty Crop Block Grant Program is another resource for fresh produce programs. This $224 million, five-year program will expand the scope of research grants across the nation. The funds are distributed to states, with California historically receiving the bulk of funds.

“The steps we’ve taken thus far have been based on the best science we have, the best research we have. But to be honest, that’s not a lot. We need much more,” said Jim Bogart, president of the Grower-Shipper Association. “What I’m encouraged about is that these programs will pump a lot of money into research. We’ll be provided with the sound science and data we need to base our future food safety efforts.”

“We’ve been saying all along that more research is needed and this will go a long way toward achieving that,” Bogart added. “And I want to thank Sam for his great support for our industry. He’s a real leader in our efforts, especially with respect to this farm bill.”

The Specialty Crop Research Initiative and the Specialty Crop Block Grants are the two largest pieces of research funding in the Farm Bill, but they’re not the only ones. The bill also provides $377 million over 10 years for a variety of pest and disease detection and control programs. These funds will be used in part to promote federal, state and local cooperation, including cooperative, audit-based certification systems to address plant pest infestations.

“The Specialty Crop Research Initiative is a critical priority for the fresh produce industry,” said Robert Guenther, senior vice president of public policy at United Fresh Produce Association. “This program will serve as a strong foundation for fresh produce food safety research. I applaud the leadership Sam Farr who has been the champion of this initiative for years.”

The research initiative is new, but the block grant program has been around for years. In that past, it has funded such state programs as a research program for the California Department of Food and Agriculture that explored the use of new pesticides and a marketing project by the Central Coast Vineyard Team exploring the long range potential for sustainable wines.

“The Central Coast produces so much of our fresh produce, it must be at the center of the fight to keep that produce healthy,” Rep. Farr said. “We have the farmers and we have the brain power, a combination that makes us better-suited to this type of work than anywhere else in the world. We have an obligation to provide safe food and we’re doing the best work to keep it so.”

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Veg v. Meat

Big Apple tosses us another interesting link in this New York Daily News story about a "Veggie Pride Parade" in NYC. Not sanctioned by the Produce for Better Health Foundation, this parade was more anti-meat than pro-veggie. From the story:

It was New York's first-ever Veggie Pride Parade - and people in giant carrot costumes sprouted across the Meatpacking District.
"We're putting the meat business on notice," said parade organizer Pamela Rice. "We're watching them now."
She was one of several hundred vegetarian and vegan activists who assembled on a plaza down the street from the Hog Pit BBQ restaurant for a march to Washington Square Park to promote the environmental, ethical and health advantages of a meat-free diet.

TK: Only in NY? Maybe, but that's why we love the Big Apple.

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A question about the pulse of the industry

One of our long time Fresh Talk readers asks an interesting question about the health of the vegetable industry. I pass it on - just as I put the question to the Fresh Produce Industry Discussion Group - and ask for you to share any input you may have. I'll share the responses from Fresh Produce Industry Discussion Group said later in the day....

Here is the query:

I’ve been looking for information or statistics which would help me gauge the financial health and stability of vegetable farmers. Recent stories in the Packer combined with the slow recovery of the leafy green category have me wondering. The information I’ve found on the USDA website so far relates to the grain business, not the vegetable or specialty crops sector. Can you point me to some links or pass along some documents that would shed some light on this subject for me?

Thank you in advance for your help and keep up the good work on Fresh Talk.

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National Retail Report - May 16

After being busy with the graduation of one son at K-State and our daughter from her high school this weekend, the world of produce beckons me again. On Monday I will review more details from the new farm bill approved by both the House and the Senate, some information regarding the grape technology from Chile called SAVIAGRAPES, and review answers to a reader question about the health of the U.S. Western vegetable industry.

In the meanwhile, here is link to the USDA's National Retail Report, revealing the commencement of the stone fruit and cherry seasons in California. From the report's summary:

Cherry Season is upon Us
Many of this week’s advertisements featured the first California-grown cherries of the season. In addition, ads for new crop peaches and nectarines let shoppers know that the domestic stone-fruit season has begun. Strawberries, sweet onions, tomatoes on the vine, and corn were items often featured on the front page of ads. Overall, fresh produce ad activity increased 11% from last week with fruits up 28% and vegetables showing no significant change. The top 5 featured items were strawberries, cherries and sweet onions (tie), mangoes, and tomatoes on the vine. Cherries, mangoes, and both organic and conventional strawberries comprised 44% of all fruit ads. Ads for grapes increased over 40% from last week as retailers clean up their inventory from Chile in preparation of the Mexican crop coming soon. Tomatoes on the vine, sweet onions, and both organic and conventional baby carrots made up 34% of all vegetable ads. It is noteworthy to mention that corn ads dropped 45% from last week.

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