"This year Congress will reauthorize major farm and food legislation in the "Farm Bill." The Farm Bill is multi-year authorizing legislation that will change, and hopefully improve, a number of policies that are of interest to the wholesale produce industry and to food banks. One important area for collaboration between the produce industry, farmers, and food banks is in support of more purchases of fresh fruit and vegetables for needy Americans.
The Administration supports a healthier diet for recipients of the nutrition programs set to be authorized in the Farm Bill and has proposed to increase the amount of fresh produce that is provided to Federal nutrition assistance programs like school lunch and the Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP).
The Farm Bill proposal would increase fresh produce available to schools and food banks by USDA purchases of fresh produce up to $2.75 billion over 10 years. America's Second Harvest strongly supports this proposal. Our food banks want to provide the most nutritious and wholesome food to the growing number of needy people that our food banks serve each year. According to the most recent independent study of food banks, more than 25 million low-income people, including 9 million children and 3 million seniors received food assistance from our food banks.
Working together with the produce industry, packers, and farmers, we can ensure that when needy people come to our food banks for help, they will be able to leave with safe, healthy fresh fruit and vegetables. To find out how you can help please visit the America's Second Harvest website at:
http://www.secondharvest.org/ and visit the Hunger Action Center to send electronic messages of support to your members of Congress."
RB: The ripple affect of this bill is tremendous. Not only is it the right thing to do, it exposes many young future consumers to the wonderful world of fresh produce. This certainly can have long lasting benefits for both, the consumer and provider; too many to list here. Please give it some thought; and most importantly, get involved.Labels: America's Second Harvest, Farm Bill, FDA, Food Banks benefit, helping others, The Packer