Statement by Bob Stallman, President American Farm Bureau Federation, Regarding Need for Congressional Ag Leaders To Lead Toward Farm Bill Conclusion
December 4, 2013 “It is time, once and for all, to unify behind a farm bill that works for all of American agriculture, including crop, livestock and fruit and vegetable growers. As a nation, we cannot afford to do otherwise. The best way for us to do that is to trust those who have brought us this far. The American Farm Bureau Federation wishes to go on record in strong support of congressional Agriculture committee chairs and leaders. We believe that through the leadership of Ag Committee leaders -- Chairman Lucas, Chairwoman Stabenow, Ranking Member Peterson and Ranking Member Cochran – working in conjunction with the committee conferees, we will get a farm bill done, and it will be a farm bill that works for all commodities and all regions. “We must move forward. It is time to let our leaders lead. The American Farm Bureau Federation will do what it can to help close ranks on any remaining issues -- for the good of the whole of American agriculture, consumers, our hard-working farm and ranch families and the rural communities they support.”