Vegetable and Melon Outlok - April 16
The USDA issued a 46-page Vegetables and Melons report today. Find it here. From the report:
Despite water shortages in California where 96 percent of processing tomatoes are grown, U.S. tomato processors expect to contract for 13.9 million short tons in 2009—up 14 percent from a year earlier and 8 percent above the 1999 record. Although production was relatively robust in 2008, export demand for tomato products (particularly paste) was well above average during calendar year 2008, providing a foundation for strong wholesale prices and higher contract prices for U.S. tomato growers in 2009.
Fresh-market area for harvest for 11 selected vegetables was forecast to decline 4 percent to 194,200 acres this spring (largely April-June). Prospective area was down for 8 of the 11 crops, with the greatest percentage declines for cauliflower, cabbage, and carrots. California, which accounts for more than half of spring vegetable area, expects to harvest 6 percent fewer acres, with much of the reduction occurring in carrots, broccoli, and head lettuce crops. Although scarce and more costly this year, water is not expected to be a limiting factor in fresh-market vegetable supplies this spring.