Fresh Talk will pass a milestone of sorts today. The "100,000" mark will be passed in page views for the blog (find the clicker about midway down on the right side of the blog). Another measure has recorded more than 71,000 visits to the blog. The remarkable diversity of the Fresh Talk audience is found in the most recent handful of visitors to this site last night and this morning.
We've had visits from readers in Melbourne, Australia, Chicago, Washington, D.C., Warwick, N.Y.,, Moscow, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Ashburn, Va., San Jose, Calif., Los Angeles, San Jose, Calif., , Wailuku, Hawaii, Little Rock, Ark., Granville Summit, Pa., and Blackwood, N.J.
We're glad you are here. Also be sure to join the
Fresh Produce Industry Discussion Group, which is a valuable forum for the industry and a companion site to this blog.
If you haven't tried it yet, take time to utilize the search function on the blog (found at the top of the page) . We have enough of a history now that the archives may have some useful background on industry issues.
Labels: blog, FDA, Fresh Produce Industry Discussion Group