Back online in Honduras
Garrison Keiler writes, "It has been a quiet week in Lake Wobegon." This week has been anything but quiet in Honduras, and it isn't over yet. One long morning drive back to San Pedro Sula and then a flight back to Kansas City on Friday. The week, a sponsored trip by the Honduras group FIDE (Foundation for Investment and Export Development) included myself and five other journalists for a full four days of touring the countryside and visiting with agribusiness leaders that spanned the range from crocodile farms to cocoa processing. I was without the Web most of today and all of yesterday, which is the reason the blog has gone unattended.
I'll give you a blow by blow rundown as I have time, but two important visits were to an important melon exporter and a top flight Oriental vegetable exporter. Obviously, food safety came up big in the discussions.
I'll check in later tonight with a post or two....