Cruising through the produce department
I went to three retailers Sunday (June 24) here in suburban Kansas City. Here is a quick report of what was on sale. Stone fruit and grapes were heavily promoted, along with mini seedless and standard watermelon. The most attractive price was probably 99 cents per pound for Thompson seedless at Price Chopper, with the "shopper" card. Here is a link to just a few retail price observations.
Hy-Vee had a "Mega Produce Sale," advertised, with a prominent tilted rack display as you walked in the story. Ripe 'N Ready peaches at $1.48 per pound, with nectarines at $1.98 and $2.88 for plums.
Some other features: Kandy cantaloupe $2.88, honeydew at 2 for $5. Mini-seedless watermelon marketed at $3.28 each. Bananas at Hy-Vee, as always, were 49 cents per pound.
Thompson seedless grapes at Hy-Vee were $1.48 per pound, with black seedless at $2.98, with red seedless at $1.98.
At Hy-Vee, Driscoll strawberries in one pound clamshells were 2 for $4. Jumbo navels were $1.68 per pound, while lemons and limes 68 cents each.
Sweet corn was marketed at 6 ears for $3, while yellow peppers were 98 cents and red peppers were 2 for $3; Jalapeno peppers were 98 cents each.
On apple row, Hy-Vee marketed galas and fujis at $1.78 per pound, with cameos at $1.68 per pound, braeburn at $1.28, $1.48 for pinata and $1.28 for granny smith.
At Wal-Mart, a bin of regular size watermelons was placed immediately in the path of consumer walking even the door, where the shopping carts are distributed. The price was $3.88 per melon for the Jaybird label.
Inside the store, Wal-Mart's sweet corn was marketed at 28 cents each , and Chilean clementines in a 3-pound mesh bag were $3.97; the 5-pound carton of Chilean clementines was $6.98. A 10-pound bag of russets was priced at $2.98. Iceberg lettuce was a bargain at 78 cent for head.
Avocados were priced at 98 cents each, and mangoes were 68 cents each. Green seedless grapes were`priced at 1.74 per pound,
Fresh Express spinach in a 9-ounce bag was $2.68, while green peppers were merchandised at 78 cents each.
Wal-Mart's apple pricing: Michigan red delicious, 5-pound bag, $4.78. Per pound Romes, 1.48;, Galas, $1.58; Goldens $1.54; Fujis, $154; granny smith, $1.54; smaller grannys, $1.28; red delicious, $1.28; and braeburn, $1.28.
At Price Chopper, where a "truckload sale" was advertised, tree ripened peaches and nectarines were $1.69 per pound, while plums were $1.48. White flesh peaches and nectarines were $2.99 per pound.
Bananas had a 59 cents per pound retail. Heirloom tomatoes were marked at $4.99 per pound and roma tomatoes were 99 cents per pound..
Tangerines were 5 to a dollar.
Grapes were a hot item at Price Chopper, with green seedless at 99 cents per pound with the "shopper" card. Red seedless grapes were $1.99 per pound.
Price Chopper seemed to appeal to the Hispanic shopper,with a wide array of peppers; mangoes were two for $1.
TK: Many produce choices for the consumer, with both grapes and tree fruit categories offering strong deals. I would anticipate more cherry ads this week, since none of the stores offered cherries at much less than $4 per pound. It was interesting that Price Chopper feels it can price their bananas 10 cents pound more than the other two retailers. That indicates to me they have a great deal of confidence in the rest of their department and in the value offered in the department.